Welcome to SIGMALab research group website

Main aim of SIGMALab research group is an advanced engineering
approach for the structural integrity assessment and design of
mechanical and aerospace components by means of integrated
methodologies which involve analytical models, numerical simulations
and experimental tests. Research activities and topics are described
in the
research page. We are also involved in several European
Projects also as Coordinator: HECTOR
more dettails about the project are in the
research page.
SIGMALab works inside the Politecnico
di Milano, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, research
line: Machine and Vehicle Design. Research activities of
SIGMALab are mainly performed inside the laboratories
of Department of Mechanical Engineering. Please visit the
dowload webpage for fully dettailed presentations of our
If you want to work with us contact Prof.
M. Giglio for a Master
Thesis or a Ph.D. application.
Team director
Prof. Marco GiglioVia La Masa 1
20156 Milan - Italy
Phone: 02.2399.8234
Fax: 02.2399.8263
E-mail: marco.giglio@polimi.it